If you are into marketing, you must have heard of Bulk URL shortening. They are saying Bulk URL shortening is the new mainstay of marketing. Are you familiar with Bulk URL shortening? I am sure you must be. Let me shine some light on it. To begin with shortened URLs have added a..
Read MoreEvery profit driven business enterprise is adopting and incorporating URL Shortening as a part of best business practices. India Inc. too is in tune with the times. Thanks to the AtmaNirbhar initiative in India, Indian firms are emerging as some of the best URL shortening service..
Read MoreYou will agree that marketing is being creative. It is implementing bright ideas to get maximum mileage out of your marketing budget. Almost all my marketer friends and colleagues agree, it is hard to ignore the importance of Shortened URL. So, why not unleash your creativity ..
Read MoreAll three – URL Shortening, Link Branding and Link Management together are emerging as the new age marketing strategy in the current digital era. Both URL Shortening and Link Branding constitute Link Management. I will explain. URL Shortening We all must have received if not..
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